AIBS Leads 52 Science Groups in Urging Congress to Protect U.S. Scientific Research

On March 4, 2025, the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) led 52 scientific societies and organizations in sending a letter to congressional leaders urging them to oppose recent executive actions that are harming the U.S. scientific enterprise. The Organization of Biological Field Stations was one of those organizations and fully supports AIBS in its efforts.

“Recent actions have disrupted vital scientific research, impeded scientific meetings and review panels, delayed salary payments for students and postdocs, dismantled key workforce development programs, and caused the unnecessary loss of vital experts from federal research agencies,” the groups noted. “We call on Congress to assert its constitutional authority and take immediate actions to reverse these policies, which threaten the integrity, progress, and global leadership of American science and technology.”

The letter also urged Congress to prioritize robust federal investments in science and technology to prevent economic stagnation and the loss of the United States’ competitive edge to other nations. 

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