Leadership and Governance
GOVERNING BOARD: The Organization of Biological Field Stations is governed by its Members and a Board of Directors composed of Member-elected and Board-selected Officers, and Organizational Standing Committee Chairs. The Historian and Subcommittee chairs are non-voting participants.
The definitions, charges, duties, and responsibilities of the Board are explicitly defined and limited in the Constitution and Bylaws. Primary responsibilities include: selecting Annual Meeting sites and participating in Annual Meetings; coordinating and executing organization activities, goals and responsibilities as mandated by the Constitution, Bylaws, and the membership; researching new areas and initiating personal and organizational connections to promote OBFS activities, and exploring opportunities for OBFS and its members. Members of the Board work to further the goals, ideals, and vitality of the OBFS. They also represent the individual interests of the organization’s diverse membership.
Past minutes, document archive, Policies and Procedures Manual, and other organizational material useful to Members and Directors is available with member log-in.
Contact governance@obfs.org with any questions.
For more on the roles of the positions see governance.
The Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee is composed of all member-elected officers and the Past President, an ex officio position assumed by the out-going President.
President Rhonda Struminger 2024-2026 president@obfs.org |
Past-President Lara Roketenetz 2024-2026 pastpresident@obfs.org |
Vice President Jessica Malisch 2025-2027 vicepresident@obfs.org |
Treasurer Paul Wetzel 2025-2027 treasurer@obfs.org |
Secretary Beth Norman 2022-2024 secretary@obfs.org |
Member at Large 1 Sheena Parsons 2025-2027 MAL1@obfs.org |
Member at Large 2 Megan Napoli 2024-2026 MAL2@obfs.org |
Member at Large Early Career Sofia Rodriguez 2024-2026 Earlycareer@obfs.org |
Board Selected Officers:
Editor Stacy McNulty 2022-2024 editor@obfs.org |
Network Coordinator Sarah Oktay 2024-2025 web_admin@obfs.org |
Committee Chairs:
For more on the Committee activities see committees.
Annual Meeting Planning Committee Co-chair: Brett Biebuyck Co-chair: Hannah Webber |
Collaborations Committee Chair: Itchung Cheung |
Development Committee Co-chair: Brian Kloeppel Co-chair: Sarah Oktay |
Governance and Sustainability Committee Chair: Shane Waddell |
IDEA+ Committee Co-chair: Stefanie Whitmire Co-chair: Sonia Nobrega |
International Committee Chair: David Maneli |
Membership Committee Co-chair: Lara Roketenetz Co-chair: Megan Napoli |
Outreach and Communications Committee Chair: Conner Philson |
Non-voting, Board Selected Positions:
Historian Mary Hufty |
AIBS Liaison Paul Foster |