
Sharing stories around the fire, Central Michigan University Biological Field Station at Beaver Island, OBFS meeting 2022. Photo courtesy of Nancy Lowe.

OBFS members and interested parties communicate via email to approximately 700 registered users via a listserv (electronic mailing list) hosted by the University of California Davis’ Natural Reserve System. Spam and solicitations are reduced via robust filtration that ensures that message posters and all users must be approved by the list managers. 

To subscribe or unsubscribe, send an email with subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject line to

Some members find that OBFS messages end up in spam or junk folders, so please add as a trusted contact. If you have trouble not receiving messages or signing up, please contact list admins, Shane Waddell at or Sarah Oktay at

Appropriate listserv topics include job announcements, questions about strategic plans or liability waivers or other universal FSML needs, REU or internship opportunities, workshops, funding opportunities, artist in residence opportunities, research collaborations, or other items you feel would be interesting to the greater OBFS community. Please remember you are emailing 700+ people at once. 

Our new website has a discussion board that will allow for back-and-forth chats. Follow OBFS on Instagram, Twitter (now known as X), and Facebook for other timely information. Consider sending newsletter articles to our editorial team at