Diversity statement
Note: This is a living breathing statement. OBFS recognizes that continued evaluation of its efforts related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access is crucial for dismantling oppressive systems in FSMLs. This draft Diversity Statement is being reviewed by a larger group and may change over the next few months.
OBFS Mission: The mission of the Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS) is to help member stations increase their effectiveness in supporting critical research, education, and outreach programs. We pursue this goal in a manner that maximizes diversity, inclusiveness, sustainability, and transparency.

In order to achieve the OBFS and strategic plan goals to prioritize diversity, inclusiveness, belonging and transparency, the IDEA+ committee has adopted the following statement.
Field stations and marine labs (FSMLs) must be truly inclusive and embrace and advance diversity everywhere – in every program, every class, and every area of operation. Despite our current commitments to equity and access, our collective history is built on the efforts of populations that have been historically marginalized and denied equal access to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields and FSMLs. For many FSMLs, their existence and resources are predicated upon colonial and oppressive practices that continue traditions and implicit activities that make true equity difficult to achieve. In the present day, marginalization, systemic oppression, and inequity of opportunity persist within society at large. FSMLs must understand and acknowledge our history and the current cultural context in which we live while focusing on helping shape a future where individuals of all backgrounds and identities have access to and feel they belong within the opportunities provided by FSMLs.
In order to achieve our goals, we must:
- Ensure that diversity of thought, experience, and approach are represented in all facets of FSML enterprises;
- Create inclusive spaces at FSMLs to uplift and support participation and financial stability of currently underrepresented groups at FSMLs;
- Ensure that the opportunities and benefits provided by the education, research, and conservation activities associated with FSMLs represent the demographic diversity, diversity of thought, and diversity of experiences in the societies in which we operate.
Recognizing this, our statement seeks to clearly articulate why diversity and inclusion are important to us, explain how these values support the mission of FSMLs, and illustrate our commitment to prioritize diversity, inclusiveness, belonging and transparency. To see the goals we have set to advance our commitment to furthering diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging see our Strategic Plan.