The Santiago de Chirca Biological Station is located in the eastern slope of the Andes, in the tropical humid montane forest of La Paz, Bolivia, at 3 hours from La Paz city. The landscape is a mosaic of large forest patches surrounded by fire-degraded areas and agricultural land. The studies developed in the biological station and its surroundings are mainly focused on restoration ecology, ecological restoration, plant-plant and plant-animal interactions. We set a network of temporal and permanent plots where we study plant taxonomic and functional diversity, structure, composition and dynamics and their relationships with environmental variables. We also have experimental plots, focused on the understanding of forest regeneration in fire-disturbed areas dominated by the bracken fern (Pteridium) and active restoration. Our Biological Station has two tree-nurseries where we grow native trees and develop several experiments. The highly diverse forests in our surroundings call to develop research collaborations on different groups of plants, animals and fungi, and to join our active forest restoration campaigns.
- Year Founded
- 2017
- Year Joined OBFS
- 2023
- Size of Field Station (hectares)
- 1-100
- FSML Web Address
- Private nonprofit organization?
- No
- Universities affiliated / Parent Organization
- No
- Federal, state, or local governmental partners?
- Member of the Virtual Field
- No