Field stations are places where scientists, educators, and students have access to ecosystems dedicated to scientific study along with state-of-the-art research facilities, classrooms and exhibits. Collectively, field stations host thousands of individual scientists and represent a major investment in scientific infrastructure, from land and laboratories to DNA sequencers, sensors, and personnel.

Biological field stations are grappling with many of the same issues as their local communities. Therefore, it is imperative to have leadership that can create a direct bridge between science and the decision makers who are enabled to address these challenges. The Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS) brings assets from our nation’s field stations, as well as from field stations around the world, together to solve our most pressing environmental issues.

Your donations to OBFS will help us:

  • Develop research, management, and educational collaborations that target our most significant environmental challenges and engage under-represented groups; and
  • Engage in national and international conversations to communicate scientific findings to policy makers and raise awareness of the value of these sentinel sites and their application to national, international, and regional issues.

Thank you for your generosity!

There are many opportunities to give, one time, monthly, through estate planning or direct pledges and gifts to the new Philippe Cohen and Cindy Stead Endowment, or by purchasing a Lifetime Membership for $1000.00. Our yearly auction also provides long term financial stability to our organization.

For one-time donations, please use our form;

Monthly Reoccurring Donations can be made through PayPal links below the form