2025 Aquatic Biology Research Internships for Undergraduates

The Thomas More University Biology Field Station, home of the Center for Ohio River Research & Education (CORRE), is offering paid research internships for undergraduate students. These internships are in the fields of aquatic biology, conservation, ecology, and environmental science. Projects involve animal husbandry, bioassessments/biomonitoring, climate change, fisheries, harmful algal bloom monitoring and toxicology, among others.

Time Period: Internships begin on June 1st and finish August 1st, 2025 with a short break at the mid-point over July 4th.

Internships include a $5000 stipend and free on-site housing.  Students are responsible for food & travel.

The CORRE interns will be assigned to one or more of the following projects:

I. Research Internships

  • Animal Husbandry (aka Lab Crew): These positions entail working in the aquaculture labs at the Station, designed for the propagation of freshwater fish and native mussels. Work includes daily monitoring of the fish and mussel tanks, physiochemical sampling, tank maintenance. In addition, interns will conduct an experiment in aquatic toxicology in collaboration with the USEPA, located nearby in Cincinnati, OH. This internship is primarily lab-based, unlike the previous two which are primarily field-based.
  • Bioassessment of the Ohio River (aka River Crew):  This study is part of the long-term monitoring of the Ohio River near Zimmer Power Plant in Moscow, OH which began in 1971.  Work includes physiochemical sampling, fish collections and habitat analyses.  The hours are generally from 9am-12pm and 6-9pm, Monday-Friday.  Night electrofishing will occur from 9pm-12am four times during the study.  Fish tissues will be collected for DNA sequencing analyses.
  • Stream Assessments (aka Stream Team): This project entails extensive stream assessments throughout Northern Kentucky, in conjunction with the Sanitation District No. 1 and the Boone County Conservation District.  Interns will work alongside biologists from these agencies to conduct bacterial tests, physiochemical sampling, fish & macroinvertebrate collections and habitat analyses.  All work will occur during the day from Monday-Friday. 

January 5, 2024

Job Type: Internship

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