Membership Dues
Membership is available for field stations and marine labs (FSML) under a progressive fee structure based on the station budget that provides the same benefits for all FSMLs.The operating budget category is self-determined by each individual field station and membership is from Jan. 5 - Jan. 4 of the following year. All amounts are in US Dollars.
Member stations can join via the website and payment is made by check or credit card. An invoice/receipt in pdf format is generated upon completion of the renewal.
Individual memberships for people not affiliated with a FSML are available for $50 per year and include all the benefits below except for the ability to vote in OBFS elections.
Please note: If these fees place an undo burden on your station, please contact our treasurer ( to discuss options. Your membership matters to us more than your dues!
Become a Member
Member Station operation budget | Yearly dues |
$0-$50,000 USD | $50 USD |
$50,001-$200,000 USD | $100 USD |
$200,001-$500,000 USD | $250 USD |
$500,000-$1,000,000 USD | $500 USD |
> $1,000,000 USD | $1000 USD |
Membership benefits include:
- Access to a network of peers around the U.S. and beyond who share information, advice, and provide support. Learn about training opportunities and workshops for station staff.
- Participation in the OBFS Annual Meeting, which rotates among member stations and features agenda items that address common issues faced by field stations. This includes plenary sessions on subjects of broad interest, and targeted breakout sessions on issues like fundraising, sensor networks, starting new stations or programs, and more effective outreach.
- Access to the OBFS email listserv, where station directors and managers share questions, ideas, and documents to enhance station operations. Recent topics include: best tablets for field use; sharing strategic plans; minimizing field research impacts; and waivers for different station visitors.
- Visibility to the public. Your station’s contact information appears in an easily accessible format and on the interactive map of OBFS stations.
- Access to “members only” section of the website where you can advertise jobs, contribute news, advertise field courses and access a wealth of documents.
- Opportunities to collaborate with stations via National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Coordination Networks and on other proposals including international collaborations.
- Information for developing sustainable facilities and operations.
- Station Membership allows the field station(s) representative to vote in OBFS elections and bylaw changes.
FAQ: Can't use a credit card to renew your membership? Use our online registration form to print an invoice to send with your check to the Treasurer. Once you have filled out the form, select the "pay by check" option. You'll then see a printable invoice, as well as receive an emailed copy of your invoice.
If you have any questions about purchasing an annual membership, please contact The OBFS Treasurer, Paul Wetzel,
Donate to OBFS
OBFS is a non-profit organization and you can help further and sustain its mission through your generous support. Please consider a generous donation in support of our work to help shape the future of field science in your community.